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Cabin, Sweet Cabin...

Ladies, if you have not stayed in a cabin with your significant other.. there is simply nothing like it! The hubs and I took a long weekend getaway to explore areas of #NorthCarolina that we had not been. We booked our stay with Cherokee Mountain Cabins in Nantahala, NC and we were not disappointed. From the beginning of our stay, the service was impeccable. Check-in was seamless. We were given a code to access our secluded cabin and had luxury at our fingertips. We stayed at the beautiful "Between The Falls" cabin, one of the 16 luxury cabins available.

Cherokee Mountain Cabin Features

The cabin was filled with so much to do. Board games, cards, hot tubs, pool table, and of course located between two beautiful waterfalls. The sound of nature while sitting in a hot tub was serene. We did not have cell phone service in that area, however, the cabin did have a phone line for our family to reach us for an emergency. To not have access to our cell phones was truly peaceful. You don't realize how often we are consumed by technology until you have a moment to step away from it. We were able to connect, laugh, unwind, and enjoy life on a level that we had not been able to in any other environment. We had a full kitchen to cook meals and a grill out on the deck for grilling. Perfection.

Exploring The Area

Although we could have stayed at the cabin all day during the duration of our stay-- if you know us, you know our love for #craftbeer! We were eager to drive around and see if we could stumble upon a brewery in the area. One of our favorite things to do is explore new areas and try new beers. We went into the small town of #AndrewsNorthCarolina and discovered Hoppy Trout Brewing Company. Hoppy Trout was a small brewery filled with character and amazing brews! (The pizza was phenomenal too!) The people of Andrews were so nice and welcoming. Most were there working the lunch shift or taking a lunch break, but didn't hesitate to get to know us and tell us other places to try! People of #Andrews, we love you! If you are ever in that area, definitely make it a priority to stop by! I know we will definitely be back.

We Walked Away Different People

This trip grounded us. It made us create new #lifegoals. It put things into perspective. We love the stillness, the peacefulness, and the wholeness that comes from cabin life. We put it on our vision board to own a cabin as a family vacation home so we can experience this life in a small town whenever we want to get away from the daily hustle and bustle our lives have become. I know one day that goal will be a reality, but until then we will be back #CherokeeMountainCabins, we will be back!

1 commentaire

17 déc. 2021

Girl I’m so happy to see this!!! I’m in love♥️


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